We partner with Medsense Health to build our RTM program

With the help of the Medsense platform, healthcare providers can easily monitor reports of their patients and check medication adherence time-to-time. The salient features of the platform includes:

- Alerts and notifications to stay on track with the medication schedule. - In-depth reports and analysis to understand patterns of medication adherence. - Insights about missed doses and how effective the medication is.

Why choose Us.

UltraHealth excels in RTM, transforming patient care with improved medication adherence and outcomes. Our patient-centered approach integrates data for enhanced care and cost reduction. We empower patients, optimize outcomes, and support clinicians through innovative strategies.

Our Mission.

UltraHealth is committed to revolutionizing patient care with innovative Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) strategies. Our focus is on empowering patients, optimizing outcomes, and supporting clinicians, fostering collaboration for the best possible therapeutic results.

What we Do.

UltraHealth specializes in Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM), enhancing adherence, outcomes, clinician support, and cost efficiency. Our RTM program drives innovation and patient-centric care for healthier, streamlined healthcare practices.

Benefits for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)

At UltraHealth, we specialize in providing comprehensive Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) services that revolutionize patient care. Our approach encompasses:

Medication Adherence Focus

Our RTM program is designed to address medication nonadherence, a critical factor in patient outcomes. We utilize advanced technologies to track patient adherence and provide actionable insights.

Enhanced Patient Outcomes

By combining patient-reported data with medication adherence information, we offer a holistic view of each patient's health. This enables healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans and interventions, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Through our RTM approach, we contribute to the reduction of healthcare costs by promoting better medication adherence and preventing unnecessary hospitalization.

Remote Therpeautic Devices

Pill Dispensers
Medsense Hub
Universal Sensors

Are you ready to use next generation Pharmacy based RTM?